Ever since I first heard about DVD's I thought to myself, "Finally, movies that have theater quality picture, sound and they will never wear out and break." I bought one back in October of 1997 and have built up a library of over 130 movies. I have seen a few DVD web pages, but none that review the Special Features of a DVD movie title, which are a huge reason why DVD's are better then any other format. I know there are Laser Discs, but they are big and don't have all the features DVD have.

About this page: You will find Reviews of the Special Features only because I like all these movies and if I did not like one I would not have bought it. You will find out what Special Features each movie has, but also has the back and front cover of the DVD case. There is also a Release List of DVD's coming out in the next few months. I don't know of anything else to add right now, but if I think of anything I will add it.

Now about me: I am 21 years old, a guy. I graduated from a college called NAIT (Northern Alberta Institute of Technology) in the course of Electronic Service Technician. I am now working at a store called Future Shop as an A+ Certified Computer Technician. A+ certification means that I am able to work for any company internationally and be recognized as a computer technician. I like making newsletters, going out with friends (which I do on a daily basis), watching lots of movies (especially on my home theater Dolby Digital DVD system), and playing basketball in the summer (non-competitively).