
This DVD has been well designed. The menus are clear; the graphics they used are very good. The scene selections were well laid out. The menu system I found very easy to use and knew exactly what I was looking for and how to get there. There are a few extras for this movie. There is the Theatrical Trailer which is in Dolby Digital, which made it sound very good and they chose a good Trailer. It gets you hyped up before you watch the movie. There is also Director's Commentary, which is very good. Not many DVD's have this feature yet, so this stands out from the rest. The only negatives are that you have to manually select Dolby Digital as the default is set for Dolby Surround. The menus are not animated and have no background music. I was hoping for some biographies of the stars and productions notes because almost all DVD's have these, so it is almost standard to have these features included. All and all this an average Interactive Menu that complements the movie pretty good and I rate this:

7 out of 10

Scene Selections

Additional Languages: Spanish, French

Subtitles: English, Spanish, French

Widescreen and Full Screen Formats

English 2-Channel and 5.1 (Dolby Digital)

Theatrical Trailer

Director's Commentary